Saturday, November 21, 2015

Freelance or not to Freelance? That's the question!

I’ve worked as a software engineer for the last 3 years, during which I was involved in making mostly Mobile Apps and build Backend services to be used in modern day API models. Most of the applications that I’ve worked on are still in use today, by individuals and organizations. I was always looking to try something new, solve a problem or help fix bugs. This led me to help and collaborate with other people, so I got to learn various technologies.

It's always been difficult for me to pick a favorite language! But languages I've long been associated with will be C/C++ and Java, but I've had my hands dirty in a lot of other languages Python, Ruby, Neo4j, Scala, Go. I also have a lot of experience with web design (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) especially currently I'm more into Node, Angular and React bug, Big Data, cloud technologies.

Freelancing gives you option to work for people who need to solve an issue and need it fast. I've come across a lot of freelancing platform but haven't liked or worked out with any platform!
That's when I came across and I must say it does seem pretty interesting. Following are points that I liked the most:
  • It’s the place where the best freelancers are – TopTal receives thousands of applications every month, but only about 3% of applicants get in. According to their website and various blog posts on the web, TopTal has developed a tough screening process to identify and accept the best engineers. Oh, and did I mention that the engineers who are accepted at TopTal work for clients such as Airbnb and ZenDesk? Need I say more?
  • Great blog posts – This is how I learned about TopTal in the first place. They have excellent posts on their Engineering Blog, written by freelance software engineers who work at TopTal. I’ve learned a lot from their blog, and I highly recommend that you try it for yourself.
  • Less stress: As a programmer I just want to put my headphones on and get some work done, and working from home makes this 10x easier.
Anyway, I’ve just began the interview process at, I really like to get in and become one of the freelancers who work there. If you’re a software engineer looking for work, I recommend that you do the same.